Ethics and Conduct

At we are strongly committed to the highest levels of business ethics. We want to foster a transparent climate and thus maintain the trust of our people and all stakeholders.
The Code of Ethics and Conduct spells out our values and ethical principles of action and how they should be reflected in our relationships with our various stakeholders.
The prevention and detection of corruption are fundamental tools for building a fairer, more transparent and accountable society. 
Recognizing the importance of the issue, and in line with the legislation passed on combating corruption and protecting whistleblowers, we ask for everyone's ethical commitment in the fight against corruption.
We have a system in place where anyone - internal or external - can report suspected wrongdoing or misconduct to alert us to serious risks of irregularities that could affect individuals, our companies or society.


We provide an anonymous and confidential reporting channel, which is provided by an external partner, to guarantee total confidentiality and/or anonymity.